If you are serious about multi-ethnic ministry, you will be serious about learning. It will take you out of your comfort zone. You will be required to study seriously. Notice that I said "it will" and not "it may!" This is not an option.
If we want to minister to the hundreds of different ethnic groups that live among us, then we must learn who they are. It takes years for someone to learn how to live in a foreign environment. When people immigrate to the USA it takes a long time for them to adjust and learn how to live in our culture.
It is not simply a language issue. Language is a huge issue in many cases but you can still minister and be effective even when there is a large language barrier. It is not either/or, but both/and. You may also be only one part of the equation. I, personally, have helped plant 3 Hispanic churches in the last year even though I myself speak only a couple of dozen words of Spanish. But I have learned and studied the culture and then participated in that culture. Acceptance goes a long way!
I am looking forward to giving some serious study in the coming years to many different cultures and people groups. I am praying for God to raise up a great army of Godly leaders and servants to do things that I can only dream of. I have seen Him do it in the past year in one people group and I know He is not limited by my abilities or lack thereof.
In the coming days I want to recommend some of the reading materials and study materials that I have found helpful and informative. Please feel free to recommend to me any that are helpful to you. Only God has a corner on this area of ministry.
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